Friday, June 25, 2010

Washington, D.C. Trip

It has been a great time so far in Washington, D.C. Both kids are enjoying everything, but Alex claims his favorite so far has been the ducks on the reflecting pool and riding the trains. He LOVED the aquarium and so did Nathaniel. He kept trying to grab the fish through the glass. Alex has basically walked the entire trip and loves going up and down the escalators and running as much as he can. He has also tried to sleep with maw-maw and papa every night. I have included just a few pictures, but we have many more!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer is here!

Finally! The beautiful Michigan summer is finally here. We have planted flowers, worked to make our lawn green and beautiful and enjoyed the great outdoors with the kids! Nathaniel is 7 months old tomorrow and is growing like a weed. He is cutting his first 2 teeth and is still a happy and active baby. He cannot wait to start walking. He chases Alex around in his little walker toy. Alex is learning so much and enjoying being outside with his friends. We had a great trip to visit our family in the Port Huron area and Alex loved playing with his cousins and all of the great toys they have! He even had a 3 am playdate with Keith! Next, we are looking forward to coming home for Tom and Miranda's wedding and seeing our family and friends and heading to Washington D.C for a few days of fun! We cannot wait to see everyone.

Alex and Nathaniel hamming it up...