Saturday, May 8, 2010

Six months old!

Wow! It has already been more than six months since Nathaniel was born. He is now a happy, active baby who loves to smile at everyone, but especially his big brother, Alex. While we are still pretty tired from lack of sleep at times, I cannot believe God blessed me with such wonderful boys. We have been very busy visiting with friends and doing work around the house. Alex especially enjoys helping me clear out the flower beds. He is actually pretty good at it, although we will see how the task of planting flowers with a three year old goes. Alex says that his favorite thing to do is play trains, but I would say a close second is watching the movie Cars nearly a thousand times a week. I am pretty sure he can quote the movie from memory now. In fact, he will randomly quote movie lines throughout the day. Nathaniel, who Alex says we should call Nate, is rolling over like a champ, and sitting up pretty well on his own. He hasn't really tried crawling, although I think he believes he is going to go straight to walking. He smiles all the time, and babbles and talks to us all day. The boys really love each other and I catch them playing with each other and laughing throughout the day and it just brings a smile to my face.

Kevin is finally finished with his year of overload classes and we could not be happier! It has been a busy and tiring year, but it has all worked out in the end. He is starting to teach his May class on Monday, but it is only a three week course. Kevin will be returning to Washington, D.C. this summer for Congressional Academy, and we are going to go before they start to do some sight seeing with the boys and my Mom and Dad. We will also hopefully be returning to Ashland this summer with Kevin to visit some friends and enjoy our old stomping grounds.

We look forward to getting to see many of you in our travels this summer and catching up on everything big and small!

Alex and Nathaniel sleeping after a long walk...
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