Monday, July 14, 2008

Our fun weekend!

We got to spend some more time with our family this weekend. I have included a handful of pictures here, but there are more on the picture site. We loved seeing everyone and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Alex is the ladies' man at the park.

Alex with his blocks bag on his head.

Alex enjoying an ice cream cone.

Alex, Joseph and Daniel having fun.

Cindy and Andre's Delicious 30th Anniversary cake (Congratulations!)

David at the park.

Isaac at the park.

Sarah and Alex on the "big slide".

Dave playing at the park.

We had such a great time today at the park. Alex climbed up the rock wall type thing by himself. He is growing up too fast. We are so glad we get to spend so much time with family and friends this summer and look forward to seeing everyone more since we will be northerners again.

Friday, July 11, 2008

It has been a while...

I didn't have a charger for my computer this week, so sorry it took so long to post. Alex continues to learn new things everyday. He is getting big and happier by the day, which I didn't think was possible. Haha! I have included some pictures from the past week or so. Isn't he cute?

Playing with his toys.

Helping mom with laundry.

Happy with no pants. :)