Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fun

Alex has been enjoying the warm days by going to the park (as many days as he can talk me into) and playing in his new pool. He has also been rapidly expanding his vocabulary. He is such a smart boy. I am not partial in the least though. Enjoy the pictures and I hope that we get to see many of you as the summer wears on!
Daddy and Alex

Waving bye-bye on his train trip...

Playing at the playground...

Stealing Mommy's apple at the playground...

In the pool swimming...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some Outside Fun...

Here are some pictures of Alex playing in the sandbox we were just given and some of the lilies that are currently growing in our yard. Alex absolutely loves his sandbox and has played in it pretty much every moment we have been outside since we put the sand in it. Enjoy the pictures! More updates later.

Our orange lilies...

Loving our sandbox...

I love when Mommy plays too...


I am making a small sandcastle...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our new ride!!!

We decided now was the time to upgrade our van so Alex would stop kicking my seat. :) We got a beautiful dark red town and country. I have posted a couple of pictures below, as well as some other pictures. We traded in the ever faithful Breeze, so we are a 2 minivan family. Hope you like the pictures and we look forward to seeing many of you very soon!

The beautiful lilies growing in our yard...

Alex had to be in the picture. What a ham!

Our new ride!

We will miss the Breeze. :)