Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Holidays are Approaching!

Well, Nathaniel has been here for over 2 weeks and he is such a sweet baby! We are all starting to adjust to having a baby in the house again and will soon busily be preparing for the holidays. Alex is very excited about Christmas decorations and candy canes. After a slightly rough start, Nathaniel is growing like crazy and is one of the calmest babies I have seen (besides Alex). He is a cuddler too. We hope to see many of you when we are home over Christmas time, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of the boys.

Alex helping feed Nathaniel...

First "real" bath (Alex is adding toys)...

Mom, leave me alone...

What a big brother...

Our handsome little man...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nathaniel is Here!!!

We welcomed Nathaniel Edward Fowler Portteus into our family on November 3, 2009, weighing in at 8 lbs. 5 ozs and a whopping 22 inches long. It has been a busy transition, but Alex loves his baby brother and is very protective of his mom. We have had lots of help keeping the house moving, which has been great, but tomorrow we are on our own again. As I get more settled into my routine, I promise I will get back to those of you who wanted more detail on Nathaniel's birth. As many of you know, it takes time to settle into having 2 kids around. Here are a few pictures of Nathaniel and Alexander for all of you to enjoy! I promise to write more at a later time.
Our big boy Alex...

Alex wanted to read a story with baby brother...

Alex and his cheesy smile...

Proud daddy...

Relieved mommy...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Almost there...

Well, no October baby here! He will be here soon though. We have had a fairly warm week here in Michigan, so Alex got to play outside a lot this week and "help" Daddy rake the leaves. He was in heaven being outside so much. He was very excited to go Trick-or-treating tonight and looked very cute as a tiger. We just went around our neighborhood, but they treated him like a star! He didn't even tell anyone "trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat", like he has been telling me all week. HeHe! Besides that, we are pretty much just preparing for baby boy to get here. I am uncomfortable and ready to evict him soon. :) Enjoy the pictures.

Our cute little tiger...

With Daddy after TOT...

Isn't he cute?

Loves his cars and trucks...

Loved the piles of leaves...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Preparing for baby...

Not much going on here besides patiently waiting (well, waiting anyways), for the newest member of our family to arrive. Just over 4 weeks until my due date and we cannot wait to meet him! Alex continues to learn new things and grow like a weed. We have been enjoying visiting with family and playing with friends over the past few weeks. Alex is getting excited to teach his baby brother how to "play ball". We are slowly but surely finishing all of the little projects we want to finish before baby arrives, but we are at least ready if he comes soon! We have most of the living room put together, including hanging my beautiful print Kevin got me in D.C. this summer. It looks great! Our new dining room table will arrive soon and we cannot wait to begin entertaining with a table where we don't have to all squeeze in. Fall is here and Halloween is right around the corner, which means Alex has a pumpkin that he just loves! He had to pick out a huge one of course. But, he picked a nice one for baby brother too. He is also ready to get candy trick-or-treating. He is going to be a tiger as long as he doesn't grow too much over the next couple of weeks. We will also be celebrating Kevin's 30th birthday in just under two weeks. Hopefully we will have a new baby around that time to celebrate! This may be the last time I post before the new baby arrives, so enjoy a few random pictures from the last week or so.

Alex with Aunts Kathy and Tomi Ann and Great Grandma

My new print...

Yeehaw!!! (Of course he was supposed to be going to bed...)
Align CenterAlex's tiger costume...

Kevin's new "man toy"...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It has been a while...

Well, it has been more than a month since I have posted here, so I figured an update was in order. It has been a busy month with school starting and preparing for baby #2 to come. Alex is getting bigger by the day and his vocabulary is growing too! He talks nearly non-stop and has the energy to match. Baby's room is pretty much ready for his arrival (as am I) and Alex's room is finally put together too. He has a great new (to us) dresser and bed and new curtains too. The living room is finally painted and almost all of our pictures are up on the wall. I love the yellow! I know it will be a welcome color come winter. The pregnancy is going well, although the discomfort has been getting to the point where I am really ready for baby boy to get here! Kevin is busily working away with many extra jobs this semester including some speaking engagements. We have been working on buying all of the things we have been putting off for a while, including a new dining room table (which should come around the same time as the baby) and a trimmer for Kevin (he is very excited about his new "man toy"). I have included just a couple of pictures below from the last month. I hope to be able to stay on top of posting pictures as the due date approaches and after baby Portteus makes his appearance! Enjoy!

Washing his car...

No detail is left out...

Nothing like a hand wash...

Helping Daddy fill the bucket...

Drinking with Daddy out of crazy straws...

Alex and Hobbes taking a nap...

Alex insisted on a picture of Hobbes...

And one with Mommy...

Playing in the sprinkler...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Last Trip of the Summer...

We just got home from what we think will be our last trip to Ohio for quite a while. We had a great time visiting with family and friends! While we were in Ashland, Alex got to play with his friend, Braden, and they had a great time. They got to play at the park together and had a great time watching some Mickey Mouse together at the apartment. It was a great week to visit with old friends and meet some new ones too! Alex and I got to meet Emily at her family's alpaca farm. What a great time! Alex got to see cows (which he loves), alpacas (you should see him when he shows us that alpacas sniff your hand), and got to get on tractors, trucks and all types of fun "boy toys". We got to spend some time with family while being in Akron, visited the Akron Zoo, and we even got family pictures taken while we were there. The pictures turned out great! I have included just a few pictures of our trip. There are many more pictures available, but I will spare you here. We are all getting settled back in at home and anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby boy Portteus!!!!

Building "castles" in the sandbox...

Watching baseball with papa...

My "bump" at 25 weeks...

Alex's new flip-flops...

This backpack rarely leaves his side when we are out...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Alex's "Inside" Choo-choo

As many of you know, Alex is a big fan of cars, trucks and especially trains! On our most recent visit to Maw-maw and Papa's, Alex came back talking about the choo-choo outside (my parents live next to train tracks for those of you who may not know). After a visit to a friend's house for lunch, Alex discovered he wanted an "inside choo-choo" like his friend. So Kevin and I took the trip to the store to buy a little model train for Alex to play with. He LOVES his train! It is just the basic Thomas set, but he plays with it for hours everyday! I have posted some pictures below for all of you to enjoy!

Our little ham!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our Trip to Ohio

Alexander and I headed to Ohio to stay with Mom and Dad while Kevin was in Washington D.C. for nearly two weeks. We got to celebrate Independence Day and have many little adventures while we were there. Alex has really started talking and repeats pretty much everything we say. (Probably should watch what I say now.) He had such a great time visiting Papa and Maw-maw (the name he came up with for my mom) and with Grandma and Papi. Alex loved our bike rides and was very excited to play outside with Uncle Carl and Uncle Tom. It was very nice to get to spend some time with Kevin and not have to be alone while Kevin was away. Happily, Kevin is home now and Alex was VERY excited to see his Daddy. He jumped up and down with a huge smile on his face and the first thing he wanted Daddy to do was to swing him around. Only one more trip left to go this summer, then we get to relax at home and wait for our newest baby boy to come. :) Enjoy the pictures.

All toys are pool toys to Alex...

Alex got his hands on our camera...

Maw-maw and Papa

On his chair at Grandma and Papi's

The boys on our bike ride...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fun

Alex has been enjoying the warm days by going to the park (as many days as he can talk me into) and playing in his new pool. He has also been rapidly expanding his vocabulary. He is such a smart boy. I am not partial in the least though. Enjoy the pictures and I hope that we get to see many of you as the summer wears on!
Daddy and Alex

Waving bye-bye on his train trip...

Playing at the playground...

Stealing Mommy's apple at the playground...

In the pool swimming...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some Outside Fun...

Here are some pictures of Alex playing in the sandbox we were just given and some of the lilies that are currently growing in our yard. Alex absolutely loves his sandbox and has played in it pretty much every moment we have been outside since we put the sand in it. Enjoy the pictures! More updates later.

Our orange lilies...

Loving our sandbox...

I love when Mommy plays too...


I am making a small sandcastle...