Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Last Trip of the Summer...

We just got home from what we think will be our last trip to Ohio for quite a while. We had a great time visiting with family and friends! While we were in Ashland, Alex got to play with his friend, Braden, and they had a great time. They got to play at the park together and had a great time watching some Mickey Mouse together at the apartment. It was a great week to visit with old friends and meet some new ones too! Alex and I got to meet Emily at her family's alpaca farm. What a great time! Alex got to see cows (which he loves), alpacas (you should see him when he shows us that alpacas sniff your hand), and got to get on tractors, trucks and all types of fun "boy toys". We got to spend some time with family while being in Akron, visited the Akron Zoo, and we even got family pictures taken while we were there. The pictures turned out great! I have included just a few pictures of our trip. There are many more pictures available, but I will spare you here. We are all getting settled back in at home and anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby boy Portteus!!!!

Building "castles" in the sandbox...

Watching baseball with papa...

My "bump" at 25 weeks...

Alex's new flip-flops...

This backpack rarely leaves his side when we are out...