Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 is here!

Well, the holidays have come and gone and we got to enjoy time with friends and family. Alexander enjoyed his Christmas and is currently going through withdrawal from not having anyone around to entertain him. HeHe! He enjoyed all of his gifts, but I know that he misses having everyone around. Kevin and I also enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Tom and Miranda got engaged on Christmas Eve this year also! I am very excited to be able to call Miranda my sister-in-law in the not too distant future. We hope that many of you are able to visit over the next few months. We hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to a great 2009.

Alex should be talking very soon! He has more words and babbles nonstop. He loves playing (even out in the cold!) and is really enjoying all of his new cars, trucks, trains, balls and everything else. He is a nonstop bundle of energy and practically runs through each day until bedtime! I have included some Christmas pictures below, so enjoy!

Alex's new train...

Alex with his new truck...

Congratulations Tom and Miranda!

Look at my cute new hat and gloves...

I am helping dad grade final exams...